Apr 7, 2011

What Do You Know?: How to Make Great Blog For Cash Machine

To make the blog as a money machine is one of the goals of the blogger in building their blogs. Many of those who earn big from the blog managed. You can even become fultimer to make money on the internet by utilizing blogs.

Keep how to do?

To create a blog as a continuous source of income, then the way he is:Blog must be SEO Friendly

Note The data that dikutif of tipSAKTI.com:

  • 93% of people using a search algorithm engine to find information
  • 87% of web visitors come from the first thing
  • 75% of people only see up to halaman4

SEO is a basic Internet marketing which result in quality traffic to your blog. This explains why so many bloggers constantly strive to improve the technique of SEO, even using SEO consultant services in order to improve their rankings.

According to (Daniel Scocco, DailyBlogTips), To Your Blog SEO Friendly then this is what you should do! :

  •  Make sure your blog contains unique content and quality
  • Optimize your keywords and themes appropriate
  • Optimization of pages, design and architecture of your blog
  • Include a Google sitemap xml file. Sitemap.xml file
  • Build links to your blog
You can use methods like article marketing, directory manual transmission, social bookmarking, blogwalking, RSS and marketing forum.Or you can submit it manually to the site for free backlinks providers like socialmonkee.com, you can receive 25 free backlinks every daySEO Blog that potentially arise dihalama prendly first search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN, Bing, Ask etc..  
As a consequence of your blog a great opportunity to get traffic and high conversion. This is essentially a blog as a money machine.With what blog into a money machine:

1. Ads 

Ad sales can be regarded as the best way to monetize your blog

Your Ad 

Advertise a program make money online that you follow the example when you become a reseller of a product, capture referrals to the program PTC (Paid To Click), featuring aStore or anything that can be profitable and the share of income sources by visitors

Ad sponsors

 There are many advertisers who seek the media to advertise their products. You can be one of their ads publisher. In addition you can also become a member publisher in PPC advertising portal that pays perklik ad. Examples of PPC advertising portal: google adsense, adsensecamp.com, Global adsense.com, info links, ads admob.com, MobGold.com etc.  

Some of them provide a very stringent requirements to be accepted as a member. But there is also a free registration. So, first learned about them or read (FAQ) site PPC ad provider before applying to be a member. The most lucrative ad is an ad directly from the sponsor who book advertising space on blogs.  

You can search for companies that want to put their ads and negotiate the cost and duration of their ads on your blog.

2. Content 

The main component to make the blog as a money machine in addition to advertising is content. Content that is directly make money is an article review a product or site. You can review your blog or website other people who ask for review by becoming a member service provider review websites such as (SponsoredReviews.com, ReviewMe.com or PayPerPost.com.).  

From the ordered items and get them in the payment when finished reviewing and to publish in your blog or blogs / other web. Acquisition of money is influenced by ability, understanding of the object as well as pagerank of your blog reviews. Another opportunity to monetize the content that you post is affiliated with the reading viglink.com click the link out of a normal link in the blog content and convert it into an affiliate link. You will get a commission if the click continues to be selling products that you review in your item.

3. List Building

 Build a list and create a data base of your blog visitors to capture their email addresses. This lets you have a stock that could become customers prosfek products you sell. Or you can invite emails premises they automatically read the new post. This can increase or maintain high traffic that allows opportunity for conversions.

Promote your blog

 When things are met then the next step is connecting your blog with a target market that your viewfinder. The best place you should go to the sites with a reputation and excellent service quality. Sites that become a reference for many people looking for information. Just as the world's ofline, when people come into the market, mall, to find the product in need. Siia for nothing mejadikan blog as a money machine if the content and your blog is not recognized by information seekers. So do not ignore this one.

Connect your blog:

 Delicious.com /, StumbleUpon.com / Digg.com /, Buzz.Yahoo.com /Technorati.com /, Faceebook.com, Twitter.com, MySpace.com,They are the sites with the authority and a good reputation and has a very large traffic in a day. So optimize their function in promoting a new blog or article on the post. This is one asfek important to make the blog as a money machineHopefully this article useful to readers.


  1. Selamat malam,,
    untuk SEO friendly itu baiknya menggunakan bahasa indonesia atau bahasa inggris ya?blog saya di awal menggunakan bahasa indo lumayan ada kunjungan, tapi ketika pake bahasa inggris agak menurun. Apa karena yang lihat blog saya ga ngerti ya bahasa inggris atau gimana ya?
    terima kasih

  2. @Adiayu, Trims sudah berkomentar. menurut saya keduanya SEO frienly. Jika target auidiensnya tepat. Jika kontennya lebih cocok dikonsumsi untuk orang Indonesia ya Sebaiknya pake bhs Indonesia aja. Begitu pula sebaliknya. Tetapi jika agan membidik komunitas internasional maka bhs Inggeris jauh lebih baik. Awalnya mungkin traffic rendah tapi kalo terus kontennya unik dan kualitas postingan terus di perbaiki saya yakin agan hanya tunggu waktu untuk melihat traffic tinggi. Ok semoga sukses.


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